Wednesday, July 3, 2013

9 things my mumma's always taught me!

If you do a search, the internet is full of the '10 things blah blah blah' posts. 10 reasons why i won't do this, 10 things I have learnt from x, 10 destinations to visit before you die etc etc. Whilst there are some great teachings and learnings off these posts, I am led to believe that this is injustice to other humble numbers. Just because 10 is a convenient number, and not too big nor too small at the same time, it emits arrogance and very conveniently takes away the limelight off other numbers leaving them for mere mathematical and numerical usage.

I therefore would like to focus all attention on the number 9 today so it gets the footage it's long awaited. Today I will share with you, 9 things that my mumma taught me.

My mumma has been the most influential and the most giving person in my life and understandably, I am very attached to her. I take her for granted all the time and no matter how much older the years passing by make me, I will always act like a 9 year old when she's around. There are innumerable things I have learned from her and I could write on and on about it. However, as mentioned above, today I will concebtrate on the 9 first ones just as they come to my mind.

1) pamper your child no matter what the world says. Pampering is not the same as spoiling - there's a marked difference between the two. Eventually, your child will learn to fight her own battles but the loving memories of that pampered childhood will always remain and make her a good human being, able to deal with anything in life.

2) Relationships are more important than your ego:

3) Having a child doesn't mean the end of your life - it means the beginning of an even better life. 

4) The most important ingredient in any recipe is love

5) no matter where you live, live with a sense of pride in where you come from and set an example for others to follow.

6) Live simple and think high

7) If any sick man tries to take a shot at making you feel inferior as a woman, put on your 'chandi maa' shoes and put them in their place. Beat them like frappe coffee if need be. If you don't respect yourself and stand up for what's right, no one will. Never be afraid of such people. 

8) Nothing is more important in the world than your family

9) Consider yourself privledged if God ever gives you a chance to look after your elders. Not everyone is lucky enough.

DISCLAIMER: These are the lessons mumma has taught me. That doesn't necessarily mean I have learnt all of them. Work's still in progress! :D


SuKupedia ™ :) :) said...

love the 9th point.. completely agree :) :)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

love sure ur mumma's beaming with pride and feeling "9" feet taller :)...wot a fine dotty she has brought up :)

Opender Kumar Kaul said...

As commented by ur Mom, I also endorse point No. 7 of the story. Thanks for writing about your Mummm's teachings....God bless!

Opender Kumar Kaul said...

As commented by ur Mom, I also endorse point No. 7 of the story. Thanks for writing Mummm's teachings....God bless!

Unknown said...

Lovely mish

Misha said...

Thank you for your comments. Inspires me to write more posts. x