Tuesday, July 2, 2013

That place beyond bugged!

Ever so often in our daily lives there are various things that irritate us. Some of them we patiently bear with and the rest we vent out in the form of anger, tears, and the likes. Nevertheless, they bug us and we find ways to get on with life in spite of that.

Usually the degree of being bugged is in constant low doses well distributed through the span of the day. That isn't much of a problem as our systems are well versed with adapting to such doses over time. However, sometimes the bugging takes place in high concentration and high frequency doses. This is the time that I want to tell you about today.

I have recently been in that place where something someone was constantly doing was bugging me to the core. I do not want to get into details about how, when and where as I like to keep very private, the identity of people who help me gain experience in life - specially if the experience is a bad one! They kept doing and saying things that irritated me beyond the boundaries of normalcy. Further, with more constant bugging, I became angry and swallowed my anger a few times. As the bugging treatment continued, I went into female dog mode and bitched about it with someone I am very close to. When it continued further on, I almost reached a point of breakdown. And that's when everything changed!!

I suppose if the bugging had stopped at that point, I would have broken down and wept. But since it carried on with the same constant frequency of high doses, something else happened - it made me laugh! No - I am serious!! I finally reached a place beyond bugged.

Don't know if any of you have ever been there but that place is something else! There is no more irritation, anger or tears of frustration in that place. It's a place filled with comedy and hysterical laughter. And when the bugging carries on even further, all you can do or feel is more comedy and laughter in it! :))))

Such is that place beyond bugged!!

Ever been there?


Opender Kumar Kaul said...

Everything has gone over my head.....this post appears to have some deep meaning. Keep writing...God bless!

Anandita said...
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Anandita said...

i completely agree with you here and there is a place called beyond Bugged and honestly its heaven. You don't feel any anger, fear or irritation or the feeling of hitting that person. The path to reach this place is sometimes difficult

SuKupedia ™ :) :) said...

I am yet to reach a point like this and I doubt I ever will.. because the moment i am bugged i make sure the other person gets a piece of it.. no patience you see :D :D